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International Standards
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)

JIS: SS 311:2005- Specification for Steel tubes & Fittings used in tabular Scaffoldings

JIS 3444 STK 500- TUBES

BS 449 Specification for the use of structural steel in building
BS 1139:Part 1/BSEN 39:2001 Tubes/ Lasons steel tubes for tube & scaffolding couplers scaffold.
BS 1139:Part 1:Section 1.1 Specification for steel tube.
BS 1139:Part 2:Section 2.1
Specification for steel couplers, loose spigots and base-plates for use in working scaffolds and false work made of steel tubes Identification with EN 74)
BS 1139:Part 2:Section 2.2
Specification for steel and aluminum couplers, fittings and accessories for use in tulnilar scaffolding.
BS 1139:Part 3 Specification for prefabricated access and working towers.
BS 1139:Part 4 Specification for prefabricated steel split heads and trestles.
BS 1139:Part 5
Specification for materials, dimensions, design loads and safety requirements for service and working scaffolds made of prefabricated elements.
BS 1449 Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip
BS 4074:1982 Specification metal props and steels
BS 4360 Specification for wieldable structural steels
BS 6323
Specification for seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general engineering purposes.
BS 6681 Specification for malleable cast iron.
1576 Scaffolding
1576.2 Part 2: Couplers and Accessories
1577 Scaffold planks
1892 Portable ladders
1163 Structural Steel Hollow section
1576 Scaffolding
1576.1 Part 1: General Requirements
1576.3 Part 3: Prefabricated and tube-and-coupler scaffolding
1892 Portable Ladders
1892.1 Part 1: Metal
2269 Plywood-Structural
4576 Guidelines for Scaffolding
3609 Specification for timber ladders
3620 Scaffold Planks
Scaffolding Tubes/Pipes | J I S & B S Coupler | System Scaffolding | Scaffolding Board / Metal Decks | Props | Ladder Beam |
Adjustable Jacks | Form Work | Accessories & Fittings
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